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Muiga Steve

Full-Stack Software Developer

Technology leads, society follows. Crafting immersive and engaging experiences, playing my tiny little part in shaping the future of the web.


Back in 2021, I dipped my toes into the world of coding by designing a website for a cozy café in Juja. That first dive led me to a thrilling journey through the vibrant world of web development. Fast forward to today, and I've had the joy of crafting engaging software for a government organization, a start-up, and an Engineering company.

My main focus currently is learning how to build accessible web applications at KamiLimu. I most enjoy building software in the sweet spot where design and engineering meet — things that look good but are also built well under the hood. In my free time, I also indulge in writing stories about life on my blog.

When I’m not at the computer, I’m usually hiking, reading, making the next meal, or in the wild, cycling and collecting stories.


  1. 2024 — Present

    Selected to be 1 of 38 students from universities in Kenya to be part of the 8 month structured mentorship program. Mentored across the 6 KamiLimu Pillars; Personal Development, Professional Development, Innovation Skills, ICT Skills, Scholarship Skills, and Community Engagement. It's a structured program with a curriculum combining hands-on learning and simulated competitions.

    • JavaScript
    • React
    • Express
    • Canva
  2. 2023 — Present

    Build, style, and ship a high-quality website, mobile app, and digital experience for a project for clients. Worked on the frontend of the energy software product for the company using Angular.

    • Angular
    • TypeScript
    • Angular Material
    • Ionic Framework
    • Responsive Web Design
  3. 2023 — Jan 2024

    Nakuja is a university-based amateur rocketry group in Kenya whose goal is to create liquid-propellant rockets that can bring nanosatellites into the low earth orbit. The purpose of the project is to nurture the talent to drive the science and technology innovation in the continent. Worked as a member of the Recovery team for the Nakuja N-3 rocket. Involved in PCB fabrication. Collaborated on the implementation of the parachute ejection system. Worked to ensure the transmission of data from the onboard rocket to the ground station. Implementing and testing the avionics system of N-3 rockets.

    • Embedded Systems
    • PCB Fabrication
  4. 2023 — Dec 2023

    Design, development and maintenance of company website.

    • WordPress
  5. May 2023 — Aug 2023

    Collaborated in the development of the HR Management System. Developed a web-based Library Management system for the organization. Networking and troubleshooting and performing electronic device repairs and maintenance. Live streaming of Assembly proceedings on the Assembly's Facebook and Youtube pagese.

    • vMix software
    • PHP
    • JavaScript
    • MySQL


  • Anga-Afrika

    A solution for tracking conditions in warehouses, data centres, and factories. Developing a progressive web application using Django REST framework with Angular as the frontend Building a hardware system using DHT22 sensors and ESP32 for tracking different warehouse conditions variables according to customer needs.

    • Angular
    • Ionic
    • Django
    • Micropython
    Build a web application and a hardware system to track conditions in warehouses.
  • Dream House

    House searching website designed to make the search for rentals, apartments, airbnbs and hostels easier, faster and more reliable.

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • PHP
    Dream Home homepage
  • Portfolio (V1)

    First version of my portfolio.

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Capstone Project

    Data transformation and visualization project.

    • PostgreSQL
    • Snowflake
    • Python


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